Bees are one of the most well-known insects on earth, but we rarely look at them as pests. However, bees can become pests, and in these situations, they start to seem a bit more alien. Let’s take a look at some must-know bee facts from the perspective of pest control.

The various bee pest species

If a bee infestation starts on your property, the most likely culprit is the honey bee. While it is usually a rare occurrence, a wild honey bee queen, or a domesticated one, may wander on someone’s property looking to start a nest.

There are also Africanized bee infestations, which can be more severe. These bees are much more aggressive and they are known for attacking in swarms. They will also be more bold with their nest locations, having no problem with setting up inside of tires, car grills, and roof eaves.

Finally, you have carpenter bees and bumblebees, which are not as severe, but could still be considered pests that need to be removed. Carpenter bees are solitary, and they build their colonies inside wood, and bumblebees will create underground nests that usually have hundreds of members.

How bee infestations start

Bee infestations can start in a number of ways. Sometimes, wild bees will wander onto the property and start a nest inside a suitable location. In other situations, some domesticated bees may wander off from a beekeeper and set up in a populated area. The species of the bee responsible for the infestation will also play a part in how an infestation is initiated. For example, carpenter bees will look for wood that is water-damaged, while bumblebees will be drawn to compost.

The dangers of a bee infestation

Bee infestations are dangerous for the same reason wasp infestations are dangerous. Bees will fiercely defend their colonies, usually swarming and stinging anyone that gets too close. To make matters worse, bee venom can be very toxic when injected in large quantities, and it can lead to some severe reactions even in people who are not allergic.

How bee infestations are removed

Bee infestations are removed by a pest control specialist, and the nest can be either transplanted to a local beekeeper or completely destroyed. For more information about how the bee control process works, or if you have a bee infestation on your property that needs to be removed, contact us today.